Odontoiatria Digitale Evoluzione Culturale

Sala Convegni Palace Hotel Matera

MATERA 2019 : ODONTOIATRIA DIGITALE EVOLUZIONE CULTURALE Sala Convegni Palace Hotel Matera, 18-19 Ottobre 2019 PROGRAMMA Venerdì 18 ottobre 2019 08.00 – 08.45 Registrazione Partecipanti 08.45 - 09.00 Saluti del Presidente ANDI Nazionale - Dott. Carlo Ghirlanda 09.00 – 10.45 Gli strumenti del workflow digitale nella riabilitazione protesica (I° Parte) - Dott. Leonardo Bacherini 10.45 [...]

From Africa to the world

Cairo, Egypt

The Egyptian Association of Endodontists have the greatest pleasure to invite you to its 7th International Conference that will be held in Cairo, Egypt on December 10-13,2019 under the theme of PanEndo: From Africa to the world This conference is inviting world-class international speakers and integrating pre, during and post congress intensive workshops. We are [...]

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